Claims Services
United Review Services works with health and disability carriers and health
plans, providing services which contain costs while enhancing the effectiveness
of members' or insureds' medical care.
We strive to contain medical costs for the client while being a valuable
medical resource for the participant. We also work to obtain the most timely and
objective expert opinions possible regarding a disability claimant's eligibility
for benefits based upon the terms of the policy.
We provide insurance carriers, TPAs and benefit plans with tools to fairly
administer claims based on sound medical decisions. For the health carrier or
benefit plan we offer pre-certification, which includes hospital
pre-certification, continued stay review and discharge planning, medical
necessity review and medical case management services. These services are
designed to expedite appropriate medical treatment and care, assure that
treatment is within accepted medical guidelines and approve care and treatment
that is eligible and within the scope of the policy or plan.
We also perform hospital and provider bill auditing to make sure that
carriers pay only for covered, appropriate and correctly billed services.
For disability carriers we provide IMEs and Peer Reviews nationally as well
as medical file review and case management services. Our panel of physicians is
carefully credentialed, and each assignment is managed to afford an objective
and prompt outcome. We work for LTD, STD and accidental disability carriers and
TPAs, in individual as well as group coverage. To view our services for health
and disability, please select from the following: