Case Management
Our case management services are geared to the needs of seriously or
catastrophically ill or injured claimants, whether they are insured under
health, auto, or workers' compensation. Because experienced management of
medical treatment and services benefits both the insured and the payer, URS Case
Management should begin as early as possible.
Our experienced, dedicated, and nationally certified R.N./CCM staff is
located throughout New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, and through our close
affiliations we handle assignments nationally. All field Case Management
activities are supervised by in-house Certified R.N. Supervisors, and all Case
Managers are trained, familiar with insurance issues and regulations, and can
effectively coordinate care and benefits according to the needs of the patient
and the requirements of the plan.
We are available to assist in assessing and managing urgent cases involving
serious or catastrophic injuries, proactively facilitating the most appropriate
and cost-effective medical care alternatives.
Lifetime Medical Cost Projections
and Medical File Reviews are also provided. We work to assure that each claimant
receives the most appropriate level of care while insuring the best possible use
of benefit dollars expended.
Related Case Management Links:
Medical Case Management
Workers' Compensation "First Call" Care Management
NJ Auto No Fault Decision Point Review
Lifetime Medical Cost Projections and Medical File Reviews
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