Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE)
A Functional Capacity Evaluation tests a claimant's actual physical ability
to perform certain movements and tasks which are correlated with job demands and
the ability to work. In addition to measuring actual physical capacities, the
FCE can also detect levels of effort expended by the claimant in performing the
test, which can be useful in validating the results.
FCEs are performed by Licensed Physical Therapists (LPT) with a physician's
prescription. They are useful in determining a claimant's ability to return to
work, and can also be combined with an IME to assist the physician in accurately
evaluating disability.
United Review Services can manage all aspects of the FCE from referral to
completion, including the prescription process if needed and coordination with
the IME. A Prescription for the FCE, if required, can be obtained by the Carrier
prior to referral, or URS can obtain one from the treating physician.
The FCE is scheduled with a licensed therapist who is qualified to perform
the testing. Qualification is verified by interviewing the facility and
contacting the applicable licensing board. A referral letter is sent to the
facility, confirming the date and time of the FCE and outlining the Carrier's
specific instructions for testing and reporting.
The Claimant is then notified of the FCE, utilizing any special policy
language requested by the Carrier. Appointments are scheduled at the closest
facility qualified to perform FCEs.
Therapists are required to report test results objectively, and must comment
on the validity of the testing, listing the criteria utilized to determine this.
If requested, customized physical capacities forms can also be used.
Each FCE report is reviewed by a R.N. for completeness and adherence to the
requested format. Typical turnaround time for an FCE is 2 to 3 weeks from